Rebirth of mother earth- a poem

By hands of the humans, planet earth has endured,
the sufferings, the pain and no simple cure,
but time are changing, we are taking a stand,
to lessen the impacts past actions have commenced.

the warming we are facing and the sea level rise,
shift to renewable energy is the only wise choice,
we are replanting where we de-forested the land,
for air to be clean and verdure to expand.

just trees are not suffering but also the seas,
even the deepest oceans are filled with debris,
to tackle this dilemma most are reducing plastic waste,
 but there is still need for action from all of the rest.

if we all took our part to restore the lost glory,
the earth's resurgence won't just be a story,
the beauty of nature will soon be recovered,
will only change for the better and stay that way forever.


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